Wasilla planting schedule

The following planting schedule is designed for people that live in Wasilla. Wasilla falls under the 5a hardiness zone. It means the average minimum temperature is between -20 to -15 °F (-28.9 to -26.1 °C). These values should be taken into account when planting, because most plants cannot withstand frost, so when colder air arrives, the plants should be placed in a frost-free area.


Why do you need a planting calendar?

The planting calendar is useful for every gardener.

  • Ensures your plants grow during the best temperature and light conditions, leading to healthier plants.
  • Provides a continuous supply of fresh produce throughout the growing season, reducing the need to buy from stores.
  • Saves water and fertilizer by using them when plants need them most, reducing waste and cost.
  • Spreads gardening tasks over the season, making gardening more manageable and enjoyable

What do the dates mean?

In the table below, you can see 4 dates.

Sowing seeds indoor: Sowing seeds indoors is a crucial step in gardening, allowing gardeners to extend the growing season and ensure healthy plant development. The ideal indoor sowing date varies by plant type and local climate but generally occurs 6-8 weeks before the last expected frost date. This early start provides young plants with a controlled environment, promoting strong root systems and robust growth before transplanting outdoors. Indoor sowing helps avoid the harsh conditions of early spring, reducing the risk of frost damage and giving plants a head start. Proper timing and care during this stage are essential for a successful gardening season.

Transplanting to outdoor: Transplanting plants outdoors is typically done after the last frost date when the soil has warmed. This timing ensures that young plants can thrive without the risk of frost damage. Transplanting usually occurs 1-2 weeks after sowing seeds indoors, allowing plants to establish strong roots. Gradually acclimate seedlings to outdoor conditions through a process called hardening off, ensuring a smooth transition and promoting healthy growth.

Harvesting: Harvesting usually occurs three months after sowing seeds, depending on the specific plant’s maturity period. This timing ensures the produce reaches peak ripeness and nutritional value. Monitoring the growth and health of plants is essential to determine the precise harvesting time. Properly timed harvesting maximizes yield and flavor, providing fresh, home-grown produce at its best.

Last Month to plant: The last month a vegetable can be planted is determined by counting back from the first expected frost date, ensuring the plant has enough time to mature before cold weather arrives. Planting too late can result in stunted growth or failure to produce a harvest. Always check the specific requirements for each vegetable and your local frost dates to optimize planting times and achieve a successful yield.

Our planting calendar recommends planting your vegetables and herbs in the given months in Wasilla.


Plant Sow seeds indoor Transplanting to outdoor Harvesting Month Last date
Cucumber N/A N/A N/A N/A
Brussels Sprouts N/A N/A N/A N/A
Tomato N/A N/A N/A N/A
Spinach April 27 May 7 June 11 August 29
Beets June 5th June 15th August 4th July 20th
Zucchini N/A N/A N/A N/A
Cabbages N/A N/A N/A N/A
Potato June 5 June 15 August 14 July 5
Radish May 28 June 2 June 30 August 17
Broccoli June 5 June 15 August 9 July 21
Carrot May 2 May 16 August 8 June 25
Cauliflower May 19 May 26 July 15 August 3
Onion May 17 May 26 Sept 23 June 4


Plant Sow seeds indoor Transplanting to outdoor Harvesting Month Last date
Marjoram N/A N/A N/A N/A
Parsley May 2 May 23 July 12 July 29
Dill N/A N/A N/A N/A
Fennel April 30 May 14 July 29 July 7
Sage N/A N/A N/A N/A
Thyme Feburary 28 March 20 May 19 September 3
Oregano May 26 June 2 July 17 July 31
Mustard May 26 June 2 July 2 August 15
Mint N/A N/A N/A N/A
Lavender May 19 June 2 July 12 August 5
Rosemary April 22 May 7 July 26 July 15
Ginger N/A N/A N/A N/A
Basil N/A N/A N/A N/A
Cilantro N/A N/A N/A N/A

When can you grow Marjoram in Wasilla?

Due to the fact, that the temperature is not stable above 50 °F (10 °C) at any time of the year, Marjoram cannot be planted outdoors. In order to grow this plant indoors, it is necessary to create artificial conditions. These specific conditions are difficult to create, so we don't recommend planting Marjoram in your city.

When can you grow Cucumber in Wasilla?

Due to the fact, that the temperature is not stable above 61 °F (16 °C) at any time of the year, Cucumber cannot be planted outdoors. In order to grow this plant indoors, it is necessary to create artificial conditions. These specific conditions are difficult to create, so we don't recommend planting Cucumber in your city.

When can you grow Brussels Sprouts in Wasilla?

Due to the fact, that the temperature is not stable above 45 °F (7 °C) at any time of the year, Brussels Sprouts cannot be planted outdoors. In order to grow this plant indoors, it is necessary to create artificial conditions. These specific conditions are difficult to create, so we don't recommend planting Brussels Sprouts in your city.

When can you grow Tomato in Wasilla?

Due to the fact, that the temperature is not stable above 54 °F (12 °C) at any time of the year, Tomato cannot be planted outdoors. In order to grow this plant indoors, it is necessary to create artificial conditions. These specific conditions are difficult to create, so we don't recommend planting Tomato in your city.

When can you grow Parsley in Wasilla?

You can start sowing your seeds on May 2, because during this period, night temperatures are already stable above 32 °F (0 °C) in Wasilla. This is the minimum temperature Parsley can tolerate. Then, wait for 20 days for germination. After that, you can transplant your Parsley to outdoor on May 23. It takes 50 days to grow you plant, so you can harvest it on July 12. You can plant your Parsley until July 29.

When can you grow Dill in Wasilla?

Due to the fact, that the temperature is not stable above 59 °F (15 °C) at any time of the year, Dill cannot be planted outdoors. In order to grow this plant indoors, it is necessary to create artificial conditions. These specific conditions are difficult to create, so we don't recommend planting Dill in your city.

When can you grow Spinach in Wasilla?

You can start sowing your seeds on April 27, because during this period, night temperatures are already stable above 36 °F (2 °C) in Wasilla. This is the minimum temperature Spinach can tolerate. Then, wait for 5 days for germination. After that, you can transplant your Spinach to outdoor on May 7. It takes 40 days to grow you plant, so you can harvest it on June 11. You need to wait for April 27 to start sowing seeds.

When can you grow Fennel in Wasilla?

You can start sowing your seeds on April 30, because during this period, night temperatures are already stable above 32 °F (0 °C) in Wasilla. This is the minimum temperature Fennel can tolerate. Then, wait for 14 days for germination. After that, you can transplant your Fennel to outdoor on May 14. It takes 76 days to grow you plant, so you can harvest it on July 29. You can plant your Fennel until July 07.

When can you grow Sage in Wasilla?

Due to the fact, that the temperature is not stable above 50 °F (10 °C) at any time of the year, Sage cannot be planted outdoors. In order to grow this plant indoors, it is necessary to create artificial conditions. These specific conditions are difficult to create, so we don't recommend planting Sage in your city.

When can you grow Beets in Wasilla?

You can start sowing your seeds on June 5th, because during this period, night temperatures are already stable above 41 °F (5 °C) in Wasilla. This is the minimum temperature Beets can tolerate. Then, wait for days for germination. After that, you can transplant your Beets to outdoor on June 15th. It takes days to grow you plant, so you can harvest it on August 4th. You can plant your Beets until July 20.

When can you grow Thyme in Wasilla?

You can start sowing your seeds on Feburary 28, because during this period, night temperatures are already stable above -4 °F (-20 °C) in Wasilla. This is the minimum temperature Thyme can tolerate. Then, wait for 20 days for germination. After that, you can transplant your Thyme to outdoor on March 20. It takes 60 days to grow you plant, so you can harvest it on May 19. You can plant your Thyme until September 03.

When can you grow Oregano in Wasilla?

You can start sowing your seeds on May 26, because during this period, night temperatures are already stable above 41 °F (5 °C) in Wasilla. This is the minimum temperature Oregano can tolerate. Then, wait for days for germination. After that, you can transplant your Oregano to outdoor on June 2. It takes 45 days to grow you plant, so you can harvest it on July 17. You can plant your Oregano until July 31.

When can you grow Mustard in Wasilla?

You can start sowing your seeds on May 26, because during this period, night temperatures are already stable above 41 °F (5 °C) in Wasilla. This is the minimum temperature Mustard can tolerate. Then, wait for days for germination. After that, you can transplant your Mustard to outdoor on June 2. It takes days to grow you plant, so you can harvest it on July 2. You need to wait for May 26 to start sowing seeds.

When can you grow Mint in Wasilla?

Due to the fact, that the temperature is not stable above 56 °F (13 °C) at any time of the year, Mint cannot be planted outdoors. In order to grow this plant indoors, it is necessary to create artificial conditions. These specific conditions are difficult to create, so we don't recommend planting Mint in your city.

When can you grow Lavender in Wasilla?

You can start sowing your seeds on May 19, because during this period, night temperatures are already stable above 41 °F (5 °C) in Wasilla. This is the minimum temperature Lavender can tolerate. Then, wait for days for germination. After that, you can transplant your Lavender to outdoor on June 2. It takes days to grow you plant, so you can harvest it on July 12. You need to wait for May 19 to start sowing seeds.

When can you grow Rosemary in Wasilla?

You can start sowing your seeds on April 22, because during this period, night temperatures are already stable above 36 °F (2 °C) in Wasilla. This is the minimum temperature Rosemary can tolerate. Then, wait for days for germination. After that, you can transplant your Rosemary to outdoor on May 7. It takes days to grow you plant, so you can harvest it on July 26. You can plant your Rosemary until July 15.

When can you grow Zucchini in Wasilla?

Due to the fact, that the temperature is not stable above 59 °F (15 °C) at any time of the year, Zucchini cannot be planted outdoors. In order to grow this plant indoors, it is necessary to create artificial conditions. These specific conditions are difficult to create, so we don't recommend planting Zucchini in your city.

When can you grow Cabbages in Wasilla?

Due to the fact, that the temperature is not stable above 61 °F (16 °C) at any time of the year, Cabbages cannot be planted outdoors. In order to grow this plant indoors, it is necessary to create artificial conditions. These specific conditions are difficult to create, so we don't recommend planting Cabbages in your city.

When can you grow Potato in Wasilla?

You can start sowing your seeds on June 5, because during this period, night temperatures are already stable above 41 °F (4.5 °C) in Wasilla. This is the minimum temperature Potato can tolerate. Then, wait for days for germination. After that, you can transplant your Potato to outdoor on June 15. It takes days to grow you plant, so you can harvest it on August 14. You can plant your Potato until July 05.

When can you grow Radish in Wasilla?

You can start sowing your seeds on May 28, because during this period, night temperatures are already stable above 41 °F (5 °C) in Wasilla. This is the minimum temperature Radish can tolerate. Then, wait for days for germination. After that, you can transplant your Radish to outdoor on June 2. It takes 28 days to grow you plant, so you can harvest it on June 30. You need to wait for May 28 to start sowing seeds.

When can you grow Broccoli in Wasilla?

You can start sowing your seeds on June 5, because during this period, night temperatures are already stable above 40 °F (4 °C) in Wasilla. This is the minimum temperature Broccoli can tolerate. Then, wait for days for germination. After that, you can transplant your Broccoli to outdoor on June 15. It takes days to grow you plant, so you can harvest it on August 9. You can plant your Broccoli until July 21.

When can you grow Carrot in Wasilla?

You can start sowing your seeds on May 2, because during this period, night temperatures are already stable above 32 °F (0 °C) in Wasilla. This is the minimum temperature Carrot can tolerate. Then, wait for 14 days for germination. After that, you can transplant your Carrot to outdoor on May 16. It takes 84 days to grow you plant, so you can harvest it on August 8. You can plant your Carrot until June 25.

When can you grow Cauliflower in Wasilla?

You can start sowing your seeds on May 19, because during this period, night temperatures are already stable above 40 °F (4 °C) in Wasilla. This is the minimum temperature Cauliflower can tolerate. Then, wait for days for germination. After that, you can transplant your Cauliflower to outdoor on May 26. It takes days to grow you plant, so you can harvest it on July 15. You need to wait for May 19 to start sowing seeds.

When can you grow Onion in Wasilla?

You can start sowing your seeds on May 17, because during this period, night temperatures are already stable above 20 °F (-7 °C) in Wasilla. This is the minimum temperature Onion can tolerate. Then, wait for 9 days for germination. After that, you can transplant your Onion to outdoor on May 26. It takes 120 days to grow you plant, so you can harvest it on Sept 23. You can plant your Onion until June 04.

When can you grow Ginger in Wasilla?

Due to the fact, that the temperature is not stable above 50 °F (10 °C) at any time of the year, Ginger cannot be planted outdoors. In order to grow this plant indoors, it is necessary to create artificial conditions. These specific conditions are difficult to create, so we don't recommend planting Ginger in your city.

When can you grow Basil in Wasilla?

Due to the fact, that the temperature is not stable above 59 °F (15 °C) at any time of the year, Basil cannot be planted outdoors. In order to grow this plant indoors, it is necessary to create artificial conditions. These specific conditions are difficult to create, so we don't recommend planting Basil in your city.

When can you grow Cilantro in Wasilla?

Due to the fact, that the temperature is not stable above 41 °F (5 °C) at any time of the year, Cilantro cannot be planted outdoors. In order to grow this plant indoors, it is necessary to create artificial conditions. These specific conditions are difficult to create, so we don't recommend planting Cilantro in your city.